Saturday, November 21, 2009

Throwing Down the Masonic Glove

Greetings Brethren,

It's been a little while since I've posted. The second half of 2009 has kept me Masonically busy. I have had the chance to visit most of the Lodges in the District and have thoroughly enjoyed my time there. Thank you all for the hospitality you show and the good work you continue to do. If you are a Mason and not already a Member of The 54th District Facebook Page, please consider joining. We have 60 members and continue to grow! It is a forum to discuss Masonry and get in touch with other members in the District, plus it gives you reminders for the Official Visits.

Next year's Official Visitation schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, February 9, Valley Lodge No. 613
Thursday, February 18, Forbes Trail Lodge No. 783
Thursday, March 4, Pollock Lodge No. 502
Wednesday, March 10, Infinity Lodge No. 546 (8:00)
Thursday, March 11, Orient Lodge No. 683
Tuesday, April 13, Penn-Brotherhood Lodge No. 635
Wednesday, April 14, Bethel Lodge No. 789
Tuesday, April 20, Plum Creek-Monroeville No. 799
Tuesday, May 11, Tyrian Lodge No. 644
Monday, May 24, Lodge Ad Lucem No. 812 – Reservations Required

As you may have noticed, we have a few new Lodges in the District. I would ask that you consider coming out to the Visitations to welcome the new Lodges to the 54th, make new friends and enjoy some Masonic fellowship. That brings me to my point:

Last year, I put out the challenge to get one hundred Brothers at an Official Visit and you answered the call. This year, since we've increased the size of the District, that number needs to grow. I'm officially challenging you, my beloved Brothers of the 54th, to bring 150 Masons to an Official Visit. If you answer the call, I will again cook at the School of Instruction (chef's hat and all). If you can reach 200 at any one visit, I will cook an even fancier meal and will endeavor to serve it to you myself.

So the gauntlet (white Masonic glove) has been cast, will you pick it up? Can we look back at the 2010 Visitation season and say that we sat in Lodge and shared the Light with 1,500 or even 2,000 Brothers this year? Let's work together to try to make that lofty dream a reality!